Specialty Korean education / Korean language and culture
Email address yikyeongsoo@gmail.com
Educational Background Ph.D. Candidate, Korean education, Sangmyung University

When you learn Korean, you will see Korean culture. When you know Korean culture, you will come to love Korea. Start your joyous encounter with Korea at Kwangwoon University.

Specialty Korean education
Email address mokosiga@hotmail.com
Educational Background Ph.D. Candidate, Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Korean Studies, Graduate School, Yonsei University

Hello!! Ni hao, konnichiwa, senbeno, xin chao, sabydea, salam, namaste, bulla, sawatdee... These are the greetings of world's various languages I learned from my students. Please come and teach me the greetings of your countries. I will do my best to teach you the beautiful Korean language.

Specialty Korean education
Email address kewang@naver.com
Educational Background M.A., Teaching Korean as a foreign Language, Ewha Womans University

Let's learn interesting Korean in a pleasant place.

Specialty Korean education
Email address chw1118@naver.com
Educational Background M.A., Studies in Teaching as a Foreign Languges, Yonsei University

Let's have a great time by learning Korean and Korean culture at Kwangwoon University. Within the new world! With new people! With new experiences!

Specialty Korean education
Email address kimsuri@hanmail.net
Educational Background M.A., Teaching Korean as a foreign Language, KyungHee University

Learning Korean at Kwangwoon University will make your life in Korea more enjoyable and special.